Thursday, October 27, 2011

Next Wave Newsstand

Expanded Newsstand hits the streets. The roof feature allows cover in the rain. Skylights below.
Demountable and sliding boom with monopod mount enables hands free video-interviews on site.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Our first broadside is here! In the spirit of handbills and evolutionary presses from Paul Revere through Fluxus and beyond, these images and words are gathered at the NewNews Kiosk, assembled on site and printed as am 11 x 17 silkscreen. A copy of each edition goes to the creators first. We'll soon offer these free of charge with a limited run at each subsequent stop. They'll also be available upon request to mail out. For now, here's a vision for a bike-centric neighborhood in Detroit. The trailers you see here are the visions of high school students at Detroit Community School.